Camille Dufays
Camille Dufays
Height: 5-9
Year: Junior
Hometown: Saint-Rogatien, France

What is your nickname?: Cam

Your favorite movie(s)?: Hunger games

Your favorite TV show(s)?: The 100

Your favorite music artist(s)?: Bruno Mars

Your favorite athlete?: Denis Shapovalov

Favorite free time activity?: Playing piano and ukulele, watching Netflix

Favorite sport to play (besides your own)?: Basketball, Gymnastics

What is your pre-game routine/ritual? Any superstitions?: Listening to music and warming up

What is your biggest sports moment?: When I was 14, I won a tennis tournament with my sister as double partner and my dad as coach

Why did you choose GSW?: I choose GSW to live a new experience in a country different than mine

Motto you live by?: Live your life like there's no tomorrow