Put your mark on the GSW men's golf locker room
We have created an initiative, the GSW Men's Golf Locker Campaign. By sponsoring a locker for a current student-athlete, your name, or the name of your choice, will be a permanent fixture on the front of a Hurricane locker. The goal of this campaign is to have a sponsorship for all 10 of the lockers inside the GSW locker room.
"We are extremely excited about our new golf facility. The locker room will make a huge impact on the recruitment of top-tier student-athletes and improve the overall student-athlete experience. This locker campaign is a great opportunity to combine the history as well as the future of this program, with the tradition of stamping each era."
- Head Coach Darcy Donaldson
We hope that you will consider supporting the GSW Men's Golf Locker Campaign and help us continue to strengthen the legacy of this program.
Make a secure online committment or complete a downloadable form and mail in your check to sponsor a locker today. Click (or tap) the appropriate button below to begin.
*100% tax deductible
We thank the following individuals for their locker sponsorship:
Darcy Donaldson